Joint-Outcome Expert Information Markets for Climate Risks: Conditional Forecasting with the LMSR

View from Low Burnhall Wood, Durham


CRUCIAL’s information market platform implements the Logarithmic Market Scoring Rule (LMSR) automated market maker (Hanson 2003), which mitigates the principal challenges facing the user-pays Climate Service Provider (CSP) sector: incentives, abundance of methodological & procedural choice, need for multi-disciplinarity, and ‘circularity’. The platform has been used successfully for hosting 24 climate-related markets with maturities ranging from 2 to 12 months. This sample of markets perform well in terms of probabilistic calibration and information-add over historical climatological benchmarks. Moreover, a subset of these markets implemented a ‘joint-outcome market’ structure, which embeds a spectrum of conditional forecasts. This subsample demonstrates the viability of running joint-outcome markets with CRUCIAL’s LMSR platform despite the large outcome space (5,207 distinct partitions) and the complexity that this and the two-dimensional structure poses for participants. Both the hard data generated by these markets (price and volume series) as well as qualitative feedback from participants indicate that the markets were well-behaved and the participants were able to adapt quickly to the joint-outcome market structure as a mechanism for expressing their expertise.

Jul 1, 2024 4:30 PM — 5:00 PM
EFAG Second Summer Symposium for Sustainability
Durham University Business School, Durham
Mill Hill Lane, Durham, DH1 3LB, UK
